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Mocking VisionCamera​

These steps allow you to mock VisionCamera and use it for developing or testing. Based on Detox Mock Guide.

Configure the Metro bundler​

In order to override React Native modules, allow bundler to use the flag RN_SRC_EXT to extend resolver.sourceExts, and then prioritize any given source extension over the default one.

Add to your Metro Config:

const { getDefaultConfig } = require("metro-config");
const { resolver: defaultResolver } = getDefaultConfig.getDefaultValues();

module.exports = {
resolver: {
sourceExts: [
process.env.RN_SRC_EXT && process.env.RN_SRC_EXT.split(','),

Create proxy for original and mocked modules​

  1. Create a new folder vision-camera anywhere in your project.
  2. Inside that folder, create vision-camera.js and vision-camera.e2e.js.
  3. Inside vision-camera.js, export the original react native modules you need to mock, and inside vision-camera.e2e.js export the mocked modules.

In this example, several functions of the modules Camera and sortDevices are mocked. Define your mocks following the original definitions.

// vision-camera.js

import { Camera, sortDevices } from 'react-native-vision-camera';

export const VisionCamera = Camera;
export const visionCameraSortDevices = sortDevices;
// vision-camera.e2e.js

import React from 'react';
import RNFS, { writeFile } from 'react-native-fs';

console.log('[DETOX] Using mocked react-native-vision-camera');

export class VisionCamera extends React.PureComponent {
static getAvailableCameraDevices() {
return (
position: 'back',

static async getCameraPermissionStatus() {
return 'granted';

static async requestCameraPermission() {
return 'granted';

async takePhoto() {
const writePath = `${RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath}/simulated_camera_photo.png`;

const imageDataBase64 = 'some_large_base_64_encoded_simulated_camera_photo';
await writeFile(writePath, imageDataBase64, 'base64');

return { path: writePath };

render() {
return null;

export const visionCameraSortDevices = (_left, _right) => 1;

These mocked modules allows us to get granted camera permissions, get one back camera available and take a fake photo, while the component doesn't render when instantiated.

Use proxy module​

Now that we have exported our native modules and our mocked modules from the same folder, we must reference the proxy module.

// before
import { Camera } from 'react-native-vision-camera';

// now
import { VisionCamera } from '/your_path_to_created_folder/vision-camera/vision-camera';


Start Metro bundler with provided flag for using .e2e.js files. Whenever Metro runs with RN_SRC_EXT environment variable set, it will override the default files with the ones set in RN_SRC_EXT.

RN_SRC_EXT=e2e.js react-native start
RN_SRC_EXT=e2e.js xcodebuild <params>
RN_SRC_EXT=e2e.js ./gradlew assembleRelease

On your simulator, with debug mode enabled, you should see "[DETOX] Using mocked react-native-vision-camera"


If testing doesn't work, try browsing the GitHub issues. If your issue doesn't exist, create a new one. Make sure to fill out the template and include as many details as possible.